America We Need A Raise edition by Mark Mullen Politics Social Sciences eBooks

America We Need A Raise edition by Mark Mullen Politics Social Sciences eBooks
A great read for those who love economics like myself, or anyone who feels like our structure is no longer working in America (especially for those in middle class). The book is organized nicely and starts with an introduction to the middle class, who is classified as middle class, and what their lifestyle looks like. It also talks about how we got to the point to where the middle class is now struggling financially, and how we can fix it. The author points out many "remedies" that essentially strategies for fixing this growing problem. Really great book, that many Americans can relate to.
Tags : America We Need A Raise - Kindle edition by Mark Mullen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading America We Need A Raise.,ebook,Mark Mullen,America We Need A Raise,Mark Mullen,Business & Economics Corporate Governance,Political Science Labor & Industrial Relations
America We Need A Raise edition by Mark Mullen Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews
This book explores some of the economic problems the nations is facing, and gives suggestions as to how (and why) to increase our ability to purchase without driving inflation. This is extremely important, because about all the ideas government comes up with to increase our ability to spend are guaranteed to drive inflation. If you don't think this is important, educate yourself at once, if you do not want to find yourself in a situation such that you make $5000 a month but it costs $100,000 to buy a loaf of bread. Believe me, this and worse have happened in other countries, and I am 73. I have seen incredible inflation in my lifetime--from five cans of tuna for a dollar to two dollars for a can of tuna. I almost never buy meat. I can't afford it. I used to be able to buy four pounds of hamburger for a dollar. Now it costs $6 for one pound of hamburger. I can't pay that kind of money. Fortunately I like beans and corn, which together make a complete protein, but my husband doesn't, so he buys meat or fish two or three times a week. If the situation doesn't change, brother and sister, you ain't seen nuthin' yet. Mullen at least has a few ideas.
This is a title that makes me wish we had a half-star option, because I really feel like this is a 3.5 star book.
The major thing that I liked was that the author provided plenty of figures for his assertions, so that the reader could see what he was working from. While I didn't always agree with the conclusion he drew from the data, I appreciate that it was there to look at. One area I disagreed with him on was the wage gender gap, because I didn't feel it accounted for the feminization of some jobs and their resulting lower pay. While I did agree with him that having kids is a choice, just saying that women choose lower paying jobs because the hours are more flexible and it's their choice does not take into account societal factors.
The best part of the book, in my opinion, was his list of suggestions - particularly uncapping Social Security and providing incentives for employers to offer daycare options.
The major drawback for me was that the book was in the print replica/PDF style formatting. This means that it can't be read on a regular device, such as the Paperwhite.
I recieved a free copy of this book in exchange for a free review.
A great read for those who love economics like myself, or anyone who feels like our structure is no longer working in America (especially for those in middle class). The book is organized nicely and starts with an introduction to the middle class, who is classified as middle class, and what their lifestyle looks like. It also talks about how we got to the point to where the middle class is now struggling financially, and how we can fix it. The author points out many "remedies" that essentially strategies for fixing this growing problem. Really great book, that many Americans can relate to.

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